Global High Conviction
- A Value Orientated Global Equity strategy of c.30 stocks
- The stocks are chosen from our diversified Global Equity portfolio using a combination of quantitative modelling and the experienced judgement of the Delft team
- The strategy is low turnover and has a long term time horizon
- Offered as a model portfolio on 'Centralised Portfolio Management' platforms
- Also offered as an individually managed account to qualified investors where the client owns the individual securities directly in any nominated name. The minimum investment amount is A$250,000
Diversified Global Equity Trust
- A diversified Global Equity strategy of 80 - 100 large cap stocks
- The portfolio is constructed by trading off risk and expected return using quantitative modelling and experienced judgement
- The portfolio is style neutral
- The actively managed strategy is intended for long term holders who wish to outperform passively managed ETFs or 'smart' Beta strategies
- Offered since late 2020 as an Australian based wholesale trust to qualified investors, minimum investment amount A$100,000